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Scholarships, Research Grants, & Travel Grants





You can apply to departmental scholarships and College of Science scholarships through the University General Application. To be considered for a departmental scholarship, please submit an application via the link above by February 15. Only one application is necessary for both regular scholarship funding and Field Geology (GEO 4510/4520). Check all that apply on the application.

This scholarship application is for freshmen students interested in the
College of Mines and Earth Sciences:
Atmospheric Sciences, Geology and Geophysics, Metallurgical Engineering, or Mining Engineering.

This scholarship application is for freshmen students interested in the College of Mines and Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences, Geology and Geophysics, Metallurgical Engineering, or Mining Engineering.

Former students of Professor Chapman have established the David S. Chapman and Inga M. Chapman Fund to support unique educational and research opportunities. Educational opportunities for students supported by this fund may include research visits to collaborative labs; attendance at focused workshops, short-courses, and conferences; opportunities that broaden a student’s international experience; and opportunities to participate in collaborative field studies and research cruises. The fund does not support attendance at regular society meetings or conferences. This fund is intended to support both graduate and undergraduate students.

Graduate and undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Geology and Geophysics. 

Applications will be received normally two times a year, on September 15 and February 15.

Proposals for unique, time-sensitive opportunities can be accepted on a rolling basis; please communicate your intention for an off-cycle proposal to the chair of Graduate or Undergraduate Affairs prior to submitting your proposal.

By the deadline, applications from graduate students should be emailed to the Graduate Affairs chair, Dr. Lauren Birgenheier,; applications from undergraduate students should be emailed to the Undergraduate Affairs chair, Dr. Peter Lippert,

Applications should be submitted as a single pdf document and include the following: 

  1. Title of the project/opportunity and name of person applying.
  2. A one-page description that includes:
    • The planned activity/opportunity;
    • How the activity fits into the applicant’s studies, research, or professional development; and
    • Likely impact of the opportunity on the applicant’s studies/career.
  1. An itemized budget with a brief justification of expenses.
  2. Signature of a sponsoring faculty member on the proposal indicating support.
  3. A two-page CV (NSF style: see the following link for guidelines and examples:

Award levels of up to $1500 can be expected; larger requests will be reviewed in special circumstances. Contributing or matching funds from other sources are not required but will be considered a positive aspect of an application.

We seek applications to help students access educational and professional opportunities that will enhance your college experience beyond the standard curriculum. Applications for the Barbara Nash Research & Development Fund are accepted on a rolling timeline: send in your requests as they arise. The Barbara Nash Research & Development fund provides financial support for undergraduate students to access programs, initiatives, and educational and professional opportunities that will enhance their college experience beyond what course work provides. Examples of uses include (but are not limited to):

  • -Student research (e.g., field expenses, supplies, analytical laboratory charges, travel to museums for study, etc.).
  • Attendance at professional meetings (e.g., GSA, AGU, AAPG, SEG…).
  • Participation in short courses or professional development workshops.
  • Participation in field trips such as those offered at professional meetings or by professional organizations.
  • Other field experiences.
  • Study abroad.
  • Participation in programs and experiences that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Earth sciences.

The fund does not support hourly wages, tuition, or course fees.

Undergraduate students majoring and minoring in Geology and Geophysics.

Applications should be emailed to the Undergraduate Affairs chair, Dr. Peter Lippert,

Applications should be submitted as a single document and include the following:

For the student: work with your mentor to prepare a not more than 2 page memo that includes the following information:

  1. Name of Student
  2. Name of Mentor (if this is for a research project)
  3. Title of Project or Opportunity (if a meeting or field trip, be sure to include the dates of the trip and any supporting documentation, such as the meeting or trip website)
  4. 4-8 sentence description of the Project or Opportunity (an abstract). If this is for research, be sure to includes the hypothesis that is being tested and how the request funds will be used to test this hypothesis. If this is for a meeting, field trip, or other travel, be sure to describe how this experience will enhance your college experience.
  5. Total amount requested.
  6. A budget that describes how the funds will be used, including which labs and equipment will be used, registration fees, and travel costs.

  7. Semester requested funds will be used.

  8. If this is for a research project, then the student’s Mentor needs to provide an approximately ½ page letter of support of the project to be emailed to the chair of Undergraduate Affairs.

Award levels of up to $1000 can be expected; larger requests will be reviewed in special circumstances. Contributing or matching funds from other sources are not required but will be considered a positive aspect of an application.

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provides undergraduate students and faculty members the opportunity to work together on research or creative projects.

UROP provides assistantships up to $1200 for any first-time UROP student who assists with a faculty member's research or creative project, or who carries out a project of her/his own under the supervision of a faculty member.

Students may apply for a UROP assistantship for any semester (summer included), and are eligible to apply for a one semester renewal of their assistantship. Renewals for any semester may be funded up to $1200.

The Office of Undergraduate Research provides funding opportunities for students whose research requires travel or other support.

  • Funding from the small grant program (max $500) can help with future purchases of: research supplies, special training fees, or other research costs related to the student’s original work.
    Small grants may not be used to pay publication fees or to purchase books, software, or other supplies that are available to U of U students via the libraries, computer labs, Marriott Knowledge Commons, etc.
  • Students may be awarded only one small grant.
  • Award preference will be given to students who:Request funds to purchase consumables rather than durable supplies.

  •  Applicants must be enrolled, degree seeking undergraduate students at the University of Utah at the time of application and at the time the funds will be used. 
  • Applicants must be working collaboratively with a University of Utah professor on a research project and the funds requested must go towards that project.
  • Requested funds may only cover the undergraduate student applicant’s future research-related expenses.

Grants are considered monthly. Applicants are notified of the outcome by the 7th day of every month. This means all applications (including faculty mentor portion) must be submitted no later than the last day of the previous month. 

  • Teach for Utah and Noyce Scholarships
    • Two scholarships are available called Teach for Utah and Noyce that award up to $10,000 per year! There is no deadline as the STEM Initiatives award on a rolling basis, but students are encouraged to apply as soon as they are able.
  • Emma Eccles Jones Teach for Utah

    • The Teach for Utah program is for students passionate about science and mathematics and teaching grades 6-12 in Utah. As part of the Teach for Utah program, students enjoy early mentoring, peer support, and customized coursework. Our 4+1 model ensures students graduate with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in just 5 years. After graduation, students will connect with beginning and veteran teachers in a professional mentor network for 2 years.

Professional organizations often offer scholarships and fellowships. We recommend looking through the list to see if any apply to you.



Visit the Graduate School's website for scholarships, fellowships & awards.

The College of Science offers a number of scholarship opportunities for incoming, undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarship applications may be found through Academic Works, the University's scholarship application portal. Complete the University General Application then you will see the Science scholarship opportunities.

Former students of Professor Chapman have established the David S. Chapman and Inga M. Chapman Fund to support unique educational and research opportunities. Educational opportunities for students supported by this fund may include research visits to collaborative labs; attendance at focused workshops, short-courses, and conferences; opportunities that broaden a student’s international experience; and opportunities to participate in collaborative field studies and research cruises. The fund does not support attendance at regular society meetings or conferences. This fund is intended to support both graduate and undergraduate students.

Graduate and undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Geology and Geophysics. 

Applications will be received normally two times a year, on September 15 and February 15.

Proposals for unique, time-sensitive opportunities can be accepted on a rolling basis; please communicate your intention for an off-cycle proposal to the chair of Graduate or Undergraduate Affairs prior to submitting your proposal.

By the deadline, applications from graduate students should be emailed to the Graduate Affairs chair, Dr. Lauren Birgenheier,; applications from undergraduate students should be emailed to the Undergraduate Affairs chair, Dr. Peter Lippert,

Applications should be submitted as a single pdf document and include the following: 

  1. Title of the project/opportunity and name of person applying.
  2. A one-page description that includes:
    • The planned activity/opportunity;
    • How the activity fits into the applicant’s studies, research, or professional development; and
    • Likely impact of the opportunity on the applicant’s studies/career.
  1. An itemized budget with a brief justification of expenses.
  2. Signature of a sponsoring faculty member on the proposal indicating support.
  3. A two-page CV (NSF style: see the following link for guidelines and examples:

Award levels of up to $1500 can be expected; larger requests will be reviewed in special circumstances. Contributing or matching funds from other sources are not required but will be considered a positive aspect of an application.


The Williamson Fellowship is aimed at increasing geoscience communications and encouraging diversity in the geosciences. The Williamson Fellows will develop relationships with 7-12 public school programs, engage youth in geoscience, increase public science literacy, and provide opportunities for U of U geoscience students to gain outreach and science communication experience. 

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000.

Professional organizations often offer scholarships and fellowships. We recommend looking through the list to see if any apply to you.





ASUU Travel Funding.

Currently enrolled students of the University of Utah are eligible to request up to $600 towards certain travel related expenses. Requests are limited to one trip per student per year. These funds support students with opportunities that enhance experiences here at the U. The ASUU Finance Director, the traveling-student’s College Student Council, and the ASUU Travel Committee review all travel requests. 

** Funding from ASUU is available by reimbursement only. 



 Graduate students presenting at in-person academic conferences can apply to the Graduate School for up to $500 to cover registration, airfare, hotel, and ground transportation expenses. 

The Graduate Student Travel Assistance Award (GSTAA) is designed to provide students the opportunity to present research accomplishments to the academic community. The opportunity to attend a conference gives networking opportunities that may lead to future research and employment opportunities. 

  • Actively enrolled in a U Master’s, Ph.D., or Professional program.
  • Presenting at a conference
    • You must provide verification that your abstract has been accepted to present at the conference you are attending. This can come in the form of an email from the conference stating that you have been accepted to present.
  • Have not already received this award or another grad school award within the fiscal year.
    • This is a one-time award, meaning graduate students are only eligible to receive the GSTAA once during their graduate career. Students are not allowed to receive more than one travel award per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This includes all Graduate School awards (GSTAA, ECPDP, & VCA).
  • Approval from home department.
    • Applications are not considered complete until the Graduate School has received verification that you are presenting at a conference, approval from your department travel coordinator, and approval from your department chair. After you submit your application, an automatic email will be sent to the department travel coordinator that we have in our system letting them know there is an application that is pending their approval. After your coordinator approves your application, an automatic email notification will be sent to your department chair letting them know there is an application that is pending their approval. You are welcome to work with your department to move this approval process along.  
  • Receive dollar-for-dollar matching funds from your department or other university fund.
    • This award requires a dollar-for-dollar match amount. Meaning, if you would like to receive the full $500, you will need another $500 either coming from your department or another university fund (PI, university mentor, ASUU, etc.). It is recommended that you confirm your match amount with your department’s travel coordinator before applying. If your department cannot provide the match amount, then it is your responsibility to secure funding from another university resource. If receiving matching funds from outside your department, be sure to communicate this with your department travel coordinator, as they will be the ones entering this information in your application. 
  • Have a travel number.
    • The Travel Number will determine how the reimbursement is processed. It is either the Request ID found in Concur or ‘ePR’ if using the ePR system. If the student is a university employee, they will likely be using the Concur system. If they are a non-employee, they will likely be using the ePR system. The department travel coordinator will be the one entering this information in the application.
  • Have all of the above submitted to the Graduate School prior to your travel date.
    • Applications that are missing any of the necessary information will not be processed. If we do not receive the necessary information prior to the start travel date, the application will be canceled.  

*Funding from the graduate school is not guaranteed. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis according to the month of your start travel date. If there are no funds available for the month of your travel, your application could be waitlisted. *

ASUU Travel Funding.

Currently enrolled students of the University of Utah are eligible to request up to $600 towards certain travel related expenses. Requests are limited to one trip per student per year. These funds support students with opportunities that enhance experiences here at the U. The ASUU Finance Director, the traveling-student’s College Student Council, and the ASUU Travel Committee review all travel requests. 

** Funding from ASUU is available by reimbursement only. 


Last Updated: 6/11/24