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Links for Inquiring Minds



1. Think Globally, Learn Locally (TGLL)

A NSF funded program at the U of U that partners science graduate students with teachers and students from the Salt Lake City School District to further science in the schools.


2. Earth Science Picture of the Day (USRA)

The Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and relevant links.

If you go to the archives in the top left header of the home page, you can click on June 24, 2010 which shows a geological rock formation picture taken on Route 6 on the way to Price, Utah. 


3. Universities Space Research Association

Established in 1969 by the National Academy of Sciences, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a private, nonprofit consortium of 105 universities offering advanced degrees in space- and aeronautics-related disciplines. USRA's mission is to conduct leading-edge research, develop innovative technologies, promote space-related education and policy, and operate premier science/technology facilities by involving universities, private industry and government.


4. Utah Geology

Overview of Utah geology and the Colorado Plateau


5. Utah Geological Association (UGA)


6. Geology for Kids

Fun stuff for kids, to learn about Geology. Games and activities.


7. Rock Collecting Advice for Beginners

 If you find rocks interesting, you might like to try rock collecting to help you learn more about rocks and minerals. In fact, you could even learn facts about geology as you search around your (home) to add rocks to your collection. Geologists study the physical and chemical changes that led to the way Earth is today. Explore rocks, soil, sand, and water around you and you might even find unusual and rare rocks and minerals to collect.



News and Information about Geology and Earth Science


9. Interactive Activities & Ideas for Kids to Dive into Earth Science and Geology

Discover the wacky, weird, and wonderful world of geoscience facts. Share these intriguing nuggets about our planet's dynamic nature with the most reluctant of science students - it's pretty hard not to be impressed!


10. A comprehensive guide to the history & types of gemstones


11. A statistics-rich look at global mining and gold production

Last Updated: 2/6/25