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Department of Geology & Geophysics - Student Groups


American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The Student Chapter Program of AAPG is made up of collegiate groups of geoscience students and one of the world's foremost co-educational programs within the geoscience sector with over 245 chapters. It provides students the opportunity to develop leadership skills and serves as a focal point for developing a feeling of professionalism through meeting industry representatives (

2024-2025 Academic School Year

President:  Haley Coe

Secretary Amelia Muscott

Treasurer: Tessa Czech



Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG)

AEG is the acknowledged international leader in environmental and engineering geology, and is greatly respected for its stewardship of the profession. AEG offers information on environmental and engineering geology useful to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. Other geosciences organizations recognize the value of using and sharing AEG's outstanding resources.  AEG leads the profession in its advocacy for: Legislation, Professional Licensure, Regulation, Codes and Standards as each affects the practice of applied geosciences (

Faculty Advisor:  Paul Jewell,



College of Science Student Council

2024-2025 Academic School Year

Deptartment Rep: Margaret Call



GEO Club

GEO Club serves as a student government group in the Department Geology & Geophysics. GEO Club (formerly SAC) was created to provide students with more opportunities to offer input at the departmental level.  We maintain a coordinated set of missions to enhance the learning experiences of the GG student body, as well as to promote future career and educational prospects for our students:

  1. Represent undergraduate students opinions to the larger departmental community. File Retention, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) reports for departmental faculty.
  2. Serve as liaison between both undergraduate and graduate students and departmental administration and faculty. Promote productive student involvement within the Department.
  3. Plan and carry out events designed to serve the varying needs and wants of GG students, including information, opportunities, guest speakers, etc.

2024-2025 Academic School Year

  • Faculty Advisor: TBA


Inclusive Earth logo


Inclusive Earth (IE)

We are a group in the College of Mines and Earth Sciences, dedicated to creating a professional and inclusive community within our college. Our mission statement is to encourage unity and inclusivity in the CMES community, and to facilitate constructive and respectful dialogue about safety, and bias with respect to science and engineering in both academic and industry settings. EVERYONE is welcome in this group! It is a great way to be involved with the college, and to help make a difference in the CMES community.

We provide educational workshops on microaggressions, unconcsious bias, navigating conflict etc. using resources on campus such as Career Services, Human Resources, and the Office of Inclusive Excellence. 

2022-2023 Academic School Year

Alysha Armstrong (President)

Brittney Hoskins (Vice President)

Diego Fernandez (Faculty Advisor)



Society of Economic Geology (SEG)

The Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Student Chapters seek to bring together like minded individuals interested in better understanding our resource-rich environment and the minerals it contains. The SEG encourages the formation of such Student Chapters to help promote the Society's objectives, firstly by advancing the study of mineral deposits and applying geological science to exploration, evaluation, and production, and secondly by disseminating scientific information through publications, courses, meetings and field trips. Student Chapters are the key to linking students with other students and with professional geoscientists in industry, academia, and government (


Last Updated: 7/26/24