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How to Support the Geology and Geophysics Department at the University of Utah

As the Geology and Geophysics Department has grown in stature and numbers, we have benefited from contributions made by our network of alumni, families, and friends. These contributions support a wide variety of teaching, research, and service activities, and are particularly important in providing academic and professional development opportunities for Geology & Geophysics students.

Donations made to the Geology & Geophysics Department at the University of Utah are tax deductible, to the extent permitted by law. Please check with your tax preparer to assess how your donations may be deducted.

How can I make a donation?

Gifts from our alumni and friends enable us to do the amazing things you read about in this newsletter. Thank you so much to all who contribute to support our students, faculty and staff. Current departmental funding priorities include student scholarships, fellowships, professional development and research support. Each of these can be supported through the following funds:

Geology and Geophysics Development Fund

Francis H. Brown Rosenblatt Prize Endowment

David and Inga M. Chapman Endowed Scholarship

Geology and Geophysics Scholarship Fund

Marjorie A. Chan Geoscience Field Experiences Endowment

Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated. Please consider making a contribution in the way that is most meaningful to you.

If you would like information about supporting the department in other ways, creating your own named scholarship/fellowship or including the department in your estate plans, please contact TJ McMullin, Development Director at 801-581-4414 or

For Gift in Kind donations, please email our Department Accountant at 

Thanks again to all our generous donors!

Last Updated: 1/30/25