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The research and services that are offered at the Dissolved and Noble Gas Service Center are based upon the usage of noble gases and their solubilites to infer the conditions and time at wich precipitation and surface water runoff entered the groundwater system.  We also employ anthropogenic chemicals as tracers to determine groundwater recharge ages. We have two facilities located in the College of Mines and Earth Science at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah: the Noble Gas Lab and the Environmental Tracers Lab. The Noble Gas lab contains two mass spectrometer system capable of precise isotopic measurements of the noble gases as well as most other common atmospheric gases. The Environmental Tracers Lab utilizes two gas chromatography systems for precise measurements of dissolved CFCs and SF6 in natural waters to help determine age since recharge.

MAP 215: Magnetic sector isotop ratio mass spectrometer fitted with one faraday detector and one contiuous dynode electron multiplyer. 


Thermo-Fisher Scientific Helix SFT: Magnetic sector split flighttube mass-spectrometer fitted with one faraday cup and one continous dynode electron multiplyer.


Standford Reaserch Systems RGA300: Quadrupole mass spectrometer fitted with a faraday detector and an electron multiplyer.  Mass range from 1-300 AMU with a spectral resolution of .1 AMU or better.

Hiden Analytical Quadrupole: Quadrupole mass spectrometer fitted with a faraday detector and an electron multiplyer.  Mass range from 1-200 AMU with a spectral resolution of .1 AMU or better.


Shumadzu GC-8A: Gas chromatograph outfitted with a EDS detector.  Used for measuring SF6 gas concentrations using the spage and trap method.


Shumadzu GC-: Gas chromatograph outfitted with a EDS detector.  Used for measuring CFC gas concentrations using the spage and trap method.

Tritium (3H) analysis - using helium in-growth method

  • 1 liter samples needed
  • Tritium concentration data not available until after 2 to 6 month holding period
  • Measurement error: ± 2% of value
  • Detection limit depends on holding period; typically 0.05 TU

Collection Method

Research Rate: $306.00

Commercial Rate: $357.00

Tritium (3H) analysis for high salinity samples - using helium in-growth method

  • Required for samples over 2000mg/l TDS
  • 2 liter samples needed
  • Tritium concentration data not available until after 2 to 6 month holding period
  • Measurement error: ± 2% of value
  • Detection limit depends on holding period; typically 0.05 TU

Collection Method

Research Rate: $369.00

Commercial Rate: $430.00

Dissolved gases - all noble gases - using copper tube method or advanced diffusion sampler method

  • Includes analysis:  Ar, Kr, Xe, Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Method

Research Rate: $405.00

Commercial Rate: $472.50

Dissolved gases - light noble gases - using copper tube method 

  • Includes analysis: Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Method

Research Rate: $315.00

Commercial Rate: $367.00

Dissolved gases - all noble gases - using standard diffusion sampler method

  • Includes analysis:  Ar, Kr, Xe, Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Methods: Standard

Research Rate: $315.00

Commercial Rate: $367.00

Dissolved gases - light noble gases - using standard diffusion sampler method

  • Includes analysis:  Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Methods: Standard

Research Rate: $270.00

Commercial Rate: $315.00

Dissolved gases - all noble gases - using advanced diffusion sampler method

  • Includes analysis:  Ar, Kr, Xe, Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Methods: Advance

Research Rate: $405.00

Commercial Rate: $472.50

Dissolved gases - light noble gases - using advanced diffusion sampler method

  • Includes analysis:  Ne, 4He, 3He/4He ratio
  • Measurement error for helium: ± 1% of value
  • Measurement error for all other gases:  ± 1% to 5% of value

Collection Methods: Advance

Research Rate: $315.00

Commercial Rate: $367.50

Dissolved gas measurements for CFC analysis using glass bottle method

  • Samples are typically collected in triplicate
  • Includes the following analysis:  CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113
  • Measurement error for CFC: ± 5% of value

Collection Method

Research Rate: $180.00

Commercial Rate: $210.00

Dissolved gas measurements for SF6 analysis using glass bottle method

  • Samples are typically collected in duplicate
  • Includes the following analysis:  SF6
  • Measurement error for SF6: ± 5% of value

Collection Method

Research Rate: $180.00

Commercial Rate: $210.00

Shipping / Handling / Materials / Other

  • Shipping and handling fees will be additional
  • Damaged equipment will be invoiced
  • Analytical work beyond stated scope will be additional
  • Other sampling configurations possible, please contact the laboratory for options
  • For a complete list of collection methods and other how-to's, see our How-To page
  • IMPORTANT - Contact laboratory prior to sample collection at 801-585-5214 or
  • Pricing subject to change

Solid and liquid samples can be shipped to:

Wil Mace

Geology and Geophysics

115 So. 1460 E, Rm 383Dept.

Salt Lake City, UT 84112


Please send an email to  for shipping or sampling information and to alert of an incoming shipment. Please include a tracking number if the samples have already been shipped.


Last Updated: 3/4/24